Friday 22 April 2016

New Regulatory Environment

In my opinion no matter what the profession, it should be a part of every job that involves a legal environment should have to be up to date with all regulations. In the case of forensic accountants they have a duty towards the court and need to be able to understand and apply all regulations (CPA, 2014).

The revision of the APES 215 in December 2013 included amendments to expert witness reporting and changes to definitions of expert witness, other evidence and professional activity, services and bodies. However if forensic accountant had no awareness or could not apply these new regulations then they would have failed their duty to the courts and could possibly have affected the outcome of a case.

An example of this can be related to when my high school updated their assignment submitting program. It was crucial for me to learn how to use and understand the rules associated with this program because it was around the time of my final year of school and could have caused serious issues with the outcome of my grades.


CPA Australia. (2014). APES 215: Forensic Accounting Services Fact Sheet.  Retrieved 13 April 2016, from:

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